Financial Assistance Applications

Financial Assistance Applications

Financial Support
JJ’s Legacy offers financial support for Kern County residents who are waiting for a life-saving transplant or have already received a transplant. During their transplant journey, recipients face many challenges. JJ’s Legacy supports its recipients with Financial Assistance Grants that can help cover medical costs including insurance premiums, doctor’s visits, prescription medicine, lab work, travel expenses, and lodging associated with the post-transplant recovery.

Gas Cards
JJ’s Legacy supports its recipients with travel expense assistance in order to alleviate the financial barriers travel expenses can create for recipients who are required to visit the transplant centers multiple times. Our Medical Transportation Gas Card Program defrays the cost of multiple out-of-town medical visits to the transplant centers for recipients completing an evaluation to be placed on the organ transplant list.

Fresh Food Box
JJ’s Legacy is partnered with a local non-profit organization to provide its recipients Fresh Food boxes. Our goal is to support individuals’ nutrition during their transplant journey and post-transplant. The boxes contain approximately 30 pounds of locally grown, fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats.

Applications sponsored by Kern Family Health Care.

Kern County individuals can apply for Financial Medical Support once every year, beginning January 1. JJ’s Legacy grant committee will review all applications for approval. Please allow 90 days for review from the date the application is submitted to JJ’s Legacy.